The 18 fellows of the 2019 cohort of the GIBACHT programme (Global Partnership Initiated Academia for the Control of Health Threats) met at the BNITM for its first workshop from 8-12 April 2019. This training is part of the German Biosecurity Programme, funded by the Federal Foreign Office and led by BNITM with the partner institutions Robert Koch Institute, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and the African Field Epidemiology Network.
GIBACHT is responding to the need of countries with insufficiently prepared health systems and risk of accidental and deliberate release of infectious agents.
The GIBACHT training consists of 20 e-learning modules, three face-to-face workshops (in Hamburg, Berlin, and Kampala/Uganda), and distance-based group work to develop teaching materials (case studies). To date, 64 fellows from 19 countries have been trained.
The next meeting will take place during a second workshop at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin in July 2019.


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