German Biosecurity Programme – German-Kazakh Network for Biosafety and Biosecurity

A two days Workshop on “Biosafety and Biosecurity in field studies and highly pathogenic rodent borne infections” took place from 9 -10 October 2019 at the Anti-Plague Station (APS) in Uralsk, organized by the “German-Kazakh Network for Biosafety” in collaboration with the APS Uralsk. 

The project “German-Kazakh Network for Biosafety” is headed by the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, Munich and is part of the “German Biosecurity Programm” launched by the Federal Foreign Office. 

The Workshop was divided into an academic part at 9th October ’19 including presentations about rodent borne infections like haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, West Nile virus infections, Borreliosis, also about molecular methods of investigation of viral agents and methods and tactics of investigation the agent vectors such as rodents, birds and ticks.

The second part at 10th October’19 included a field training in the steppe of Uralsk. In an area endemic for haemorrhagic Fever with renal syndrome. There experience was shared about bait methods, trapping and collecting of rodents. Both workshop days where awarded with a certificate. 


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